"Bring Happiness Through Flowers"

"Our team is happy to serve you with customizable flowers by color, personality, theme, and messages."

CHIA &CA professionally expertises to create breathtaking, beautiful flowers for every occasion

"Some talk to you in their free time and some free their time to talk to you. Learn the difference."

"Keren bgt ci dekor nya, sesuai dgn yg kita inginkan, hand bouqet nya juga bagus banget, sampe banyak tamu yg blg klo dekorasi nya bagus bgt dr depan sampai dalam"
Rudy & Lucya

"Selecting the best flower vendor for any occasions is not a nuisance anymore. With Chia & Ca Florist, the one that we can trust, I don't have to be worried about my flower decoration; as I experienced fast response, on-time delivery and the right flower suggestion. Well done, Chia & Ca Florist. Beautiful! "